台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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2015 100 Million Amitabha Mantra Recitation Day 2: Six Bardos Teachings (English translation provided below)




















Now when the bardo of dream is dawning upon me,

I will abandon the corpse-like sleep of care less ignorance.

And let my thoughts enter their natural state without distraction:

Controlling and transforming dreams in luminosity.

I will not sleep like any animal,

But completely unify sleep and practice.


The nature of sleep is ignorance. People tend to indulge in sleep. Although we need sleep, we need to practice abstention. We need to keep mindful awareness, otherwise our sleep will be like corpse. The practitioner meditate in the dream and knows that he/she is in the dream bardo (The beginning and end of dream bardo is from one entering the deep dream until waking up). If one clearly knows that one is dreaming, he/she will not fall into the darkness of "non-thought", which is one benefit of practicing the dream bardo. If one can gain control of dream, one can be familiar about dream bardo and the mind can have no hindrance.


During dream bardo, if one meditates on the creation stage, one can literally goes to purelands and exercerise all kinds of activities. These are signs of controlling the mind. Substance does not have a self and the nature of mind is like a mirror. If one understands the nature of mind is emptiness, then it can be applied to all things. In this case, one can exercise all activities that benefit all sentient beings. For example, one practice Tara, Tara is in front of oneself.


The practice of dream bardo transforms the darkness of dream into luminosity. In this process, we experience the falling of white bindu and the uplifting of red bindu. This is almost like what we experience when we are dying. The only difference is that now our life has not been consumed. If one does not understand this, one will have fear. Before entering into deep sleep, there will be a period of time when we know that we are sleeping. If we can practice mindful awareness, we will not be under the control of dreams.


Some people have strong attachment to sleep. If one has insomnia, one will keep thinking "I don't have good sleep" and falls to the viscous cycle of strengthening the self. If we take this opportunity to meditate then the situation will totally change. This is one example of taking sleep as a way of meditation. This practice is very helpful for us to face death. If one can clearly see the natural face of the mind, it's entering the state of Dharmakaya. Next, one enters the state of Sambogakaya and exhibit all kind of activities. Understanding daytime life and night time dream have not difference is also the teachings of Milarepa.