台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 虔敬之淚,足以溶解冰凍之心, 從而瞥見自心本性
虔敬之淚,足以溶解冰凍之心, 從而瞥見自心本性

修持皈依時,如果沒有生起真正的愛,利益將非常微小。 每當我們憶及修道的導師,都應該同時生起大量的愛與虔 敬,乃至熱淚盈眶。若能擁有如此強烈的真誠虔敬,便被 視為一種煖熱的徵兆,而這份由心生起的煖熱,足以讓因 煩惱習氣而凍結的心,如冰塊般溶解。

因此,我們應該反覆禪修慈、悲、虔敬,直到流下淚水的 徵兆出現。在大圓滿法教中說到,若能如此生起真正的虔 敬,乃至淚流滿面,則當下便可瞥見自心本性。我們應該 努力修持悲心,直至流下淚水。

If we engage in the practice of refuge but we don't have the arising of authentic love, it will bring very little benefit. Whenever we even think about our spiritual guide, we should have the arising of so much love and devotion that tears come to our eyes. Whenever we have this kind of strong authentic devotion, it is considered a sign of heat, heat generated in the mind that is powerful enough to melt the ice of this mind that is fixed through the habits of negative emotions.

Thus, we should meditate on loving-kindness, devotion, and compassion again and again until this sign of tears arises. In Dzogchen teachings, it is said that to have this kind of authentic arising of devotion, so much so that one begins to cry, at that moment one can catch a glimpse into the true nature of the mind. We should make effort then to practice compassion until we actually reach the point of tears.