台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 了解因果、學習安忍, 真正的安樂只會從心中生起
了解因果、學習安忍, 真正的安樂只會從心中生起

即使我們無從研讀所有不同的經文和教法,仍必須了解修 道的精要,乃在於實現安樂;而真正的安樂只會從心中生 起。要如何獲得這份內心的安樂呢?透過金錢、財富或朋 友,能讓我們獲得這份安樂嗎?所有這些都是身外之物,沒有一樣能夠帶來內心的安樂。唯有心的本身才能生起這 份安樂。

所以,這世上的每個人都必須運用能創造究竟安樂的方 法。在了解這些修道之後,透過對於因果道理的了解,開始學著安忍於目前所經歷的痛苦。


Even if we are not able to study all the different scriptures and teachings, we must understand the essence of the spiritual path...And that is to bring about happiness. True happiness only arises from within the mind. How do we obtain this happiness of the mind? Do we obtain this happiness through money or wealth or friends? All of these are external and none of these can bring peace and happiness of the mind. It is only the mind itself that can generate that happiness.

So everyone in this world must apply the methods to create ultimate happiness. Understanding these spiritual paths, we begin to learn to tolerate the sufferings that we experience at present, and through understanding the workings of cause and effect.

So personally I am not a person that has any great qualities and by no means a great special master at all. But I have the quality of understanding the nature of suffering and having cultivated a tolerance to overcome suffering.