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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 世俗體系與靈修體系的目的相同,卻是一者 外求、一者內求,重點就在於制止苦因
世俗體系與靈修體系的目的相同,卻是一者 外求、一者內求,重點就在於制止苦因

這個世界有兩套體系:世俗的與靈修的,而它們的最終目 的是相同的。每個人都希望快樂,沒有人會想要痛苦。如 果你希望快樂,就必須了解哪些是造成快樂的因。在世俗 生活中,人們致力追求外在的快樂,但總是遭遇痛苦而無 從選擇。這是因為我們只認得已經成熟的結果,而非事情 的起因。

當人們認知到世上一切痛苦皆有起因,且該消滅的是這些 起因而非結果,世上便出現了種種的宗教。宗教的實踐者, 追尋著消除苦因的方法,而這些方法只能在心中找得到。 佛教的修行者,是根據對於業力的了解而修持消除苦因的 方法;這是因為,如果我們不制止起因,就無法制止結果。 例如,世界上有一些人幾乎從未受過多少的苦,那是因為 他們在過去世未曾造過什麼苦因。有些人即使奮力追求快樂,卻仍時時刻刻身在苦中而無從選擇,那是因為他們過 去未能避免而造下苦因。

掌握這兩套體系,就像是擁有一雙視野開闊的眼睛。重 要的是,要了解這兩套體系的終極目標是相同的,都想 為眾生帶來富足安樂。為了實踐內心的祥和安樂,不同 的宗教發展了各自的傳統。因此,如果每個人都能好好 實踐各自的宗教,那將會是所有人的福祉。佛陀了悟到,一切眾生的自在安樂之因乃是慈與悲,而他稱之為殊勝 的菩提心。菩提心是指完全離於自私自利且隨時都只在 乎他人安樂的心。


In this world, there are two systems, the mundane and the spiritual systems. The ultimate goal of these are the same. Everyone wants to be happy and no one wants to suffer. If you wish to be happy, you must understand the causes of happiness. In the mundane life, we strive after outer pleasure, and yet, without choice, we always encounter suffering. That is because we only recognize the already ripened results and not the cause.

The religions in this world have emerged as people recognized that all the suffering in the world has its causes, rather than the results, that must be destroyed. Religious practitioners seek methods to eliminate the causes of suffering which are found only in one's own mind. Buddhist practitioners practice this, based on the understanding of karma, because if we do not prevent the cause, we will not able to prevent the results. For instance, some people in this world never suffer much, because they have not created the causes of suffering in the past lives. Others suffer all the time without choice even though they strive for happiness and that is because they did not avoid the causes of suffering.

Possessing both systems is like possessing two open eyes. It is important to understand that the ultimate goal of both systems is the same, as they both wish to bring about the well-being and happiness of beings. The various religions develop their own tradition in order to bring about the inner peace and happiness of the mind. Thus, if everyone practices their own religion well, it will become the benefit of all.

The Buddha realized that the cause of well-being and happiness of all beings is love and compassion, and he called it the precious bodhicitta. Bodhicitta is the state of mind that is totally free from selfishness, and that only and at all times cares for the happiness of others. If we do not prevent the causes of suffering from arising, there is no way we can create happiness.