台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 眾生之苦與諸佛之悲的關係: 受苦眾生對我們的仁慈
眾生之苦與諸佛之悲的關係: 受苦眾生對我們的仁慈

若想實踐佛法,最重要的便是培養悲心。當我們懷著「我 要如何利益此人」的念頭時,就是在實踐佛法。那時,不論我們人在哪裡,都可以持續累積善業、持續累積悲心。 凡夫將所有時間都用來試圖累積財富與資產,但若我們能 領悟培養悲心既能利己又能利他的道理,便不會再只為了 此生所求而努力,反而將不斷追尋以培養廣大的悲心。即 使只對一隻蟲蟻生起悲心,也將帶來非常廣大的果實。

有情眾生的一切苦痛和諸佛的一切慈悲,是相互關聯的。 我曾參訪尼泊爾加德滿都的索揚布(Swayambhu)佛塔,那裡有一處乞丐的聚集地。有一次,我在繞塔時,看到有一隻狗身上長了個大瘡,上面還佈滿了蛆。所有從旁經過 的人,看到牠的痛苦都生起了很大的悲心。任誰看見牠, 都會不由自主地感到悲心。我當時立即想到了無著菩薩因 遇到這樣一條狗而生起大悲心的故事。

我領悟到這隻狗其實是菩薩的化現。牠來到這裡,是為了 讓大家生起真正的悲心。每當我想到這隻狗,就會反覆地 感到悲心,而我認為當天在場的所有人,也會和我有同樣 的反應。我們應該如此思維:那些正在忍受痛苦的眾生, 其實對我們非常仁慈,因為他們給了我們生起悲心、增長 悲心的機會。

If we want to put into practice the Dharma teachings, the most important thing to do is to cultivate compassion. When we have the thought—how can I benefit this other person—then we are practicing the Dharma. Then, wherever we go we can continue to accumulate virtue, we can continue to accumulate compassion. Ordinary beings spend all of their time trying to accumulate wealth and possessions and so forth. But if we can realize that cultivating compassion brings benefit to oneself and others, then instead of making effort for the aims of this life, we will continuously seek to accumulate a vast store of compassion. Even if we can generate compassion for just one insect, this itself will have a very vast fruition.

All the suffering of sentient beings and all the compassion of the Buddhas are interrelated. When I was visiting Swayambhu, a stupa in Kathmandu, there is a place where many beggars gather. One time, when I was circumambulating the stupa, I saw a dog with a huge sore in his body that was infected with maggots. Everyone who walked by this dog and saw his suffering generated great compassion. One couldn't help but feel compassion at seeing this dog. Immediately, I thought of the story of Asanga who encountered just such a dog and generated great compassion.

I realized that this dog was really a bodhisattva emanation who came to this place to be a basis for people to generate authentic compassion. Whenever I think of this dog, again and again I feel compassion, and I imagine it is the same for all the people who were there that day. We should think that those who endure suffering are actually very kind to us, because they give us a basis for generating compassion, for increasing compassion.