台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 不造作的虔敬

在你了悟自己的心與上師的心是一體的時候,你就擁有了 不造作的虔敬。首先,我們思維上師的功德而生起虔敬, 乃至留下淚水。但是,我們不執著於這個念頭,而是將心 安住於自然狀態。在大手印中,我們的心、上師的心,與 佛的心,是一體的。

本尊的心與上師的心無二無別。當你修持本尊並持誦咒 語,不應該認為本尊與上師兩者有不同的功德。本尊的精 要為菩提心,也就是上師。所以,其心為上師,其身為本 尊,其語──咒語持誦──則是空行。

When you realize that your own mind and the mind of the guru are one, then you have uncontrived devotion. First, we give rise to devotion by thinking of the guru's qualities, even to the point where tears come to our eyes. However, we do not grasp at this thought, but instead rest in the natural state. Within mahamudra, our mind, the mind of the guru, and the mind of the Buddha are one.

The deity's mind and the guru's mind are inseparable. When you practice the deity and recite the mantra, you should not think about different qualities. The essence of the deity, bodhicitta, is the guru. The mind is the lama; the body is the yidam; and the speech—the mantra recitation—is the dakini.