台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 慈愛使人致富,也讓我在獄中得以存活

慈愛,能減少我執,也讓心自然變得寬廣。如果你擁有慈 愛,便已了解佛法的要義。它能為你帶來解脫之喜,在未 來生世也會相續不斷,直到你成佛為止。

當我們培養了慈愛,就達到無價的境界。若於心相續中培 養慈愛,你將成為富有的人。金錢與財富並不可靠,因為 它們隨時都會崩解。但如果心中培養了慈愛,便能因而得 到許多的快樂。這也是我能在獄中存活的原因。


Loving kindness: it decreases our self-grasping and the mind becomes naturally expansive. If you have loving kindness, you have understood the essence of the Dharma. It gives you the joy of liberation and lasts throughout your future lives until you are able to achieve enlightenment.

When we have developed loving kindness, we have achieved the priceless. If you develop it in your mind-stream, you are the richest person. Money and wealth are not reliable because it can collapse at any moment. If you have developed it in your heart, it gives you a lot of happiness. This is how I survived in prison. Loving kindness is the most precious thing.