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★Words of Garchen Rinpoche in response to students' request not to return to Qinghai due to his health conditions, spoken in Munich, Germany on October 9, 2016 (English translation below):




































「如果你們好好照顧佛法中心,我會長久住世。你們學生們不要爭吵。這個念珠的串繩就像是學生之間彼此的慈愛心。[如果你們爭吵,] 就會像是斷了線的念珠。」






Lama Garchen Rinpoche’s words from 09:31 of the recording:

“The Dharma I have taught will not be taken away with me. The teachings I have given [will

remain] in this world. To whatever degree you uphold them, they will remain. You must train in them.

Everything I have spoken [will abide] in this world; I will not take it with me.

“My mind is love and affection, right? I will not take that love and affection away. If you

meditate with a mind of love and affection, you will be able to keep it. You must maintain it. I will not

take all of my love and affection away with me. It something that must be maintained by each one of you.

“None of us has much autonomy over the body. Whenever these bodies are finished, they will fall

to pieces. [They last for only] a period of time. They will not fall apart until that time is complete. Once

that period of time is complete, no matter who it is, the body will fall to pieces.

“Now I will keep all of your words in mind. I will bear them in mind.

“If you think about it, we must really hold onto the words. My words are precious. What is in

those words? [I have said,] “You must cultivate love and affection.” I have told you to maintain love and

affection. Now it is with love and affection that you have spoken to me. I will hold in mind the words you

have spoken in love. I will see what I can do. I will try.

“I have listened to you. I understand your love and affection. But the real owner of this body of

mine is the monastery. I do not have dominion over my own body, as I do whatever the Gar Monastery

dictates. Wherever they say I must go, wherever they say I must stay, I must act accordingly.

“They have love and affection for me. You also have love and affection for me. Since their love

and affection is now too great, they are saying I must return at all cost.

“But you [also] have authority. This body of mine belongs to everyone; it belongs to the people.

My mind has already offered this body of mine to the people. So I must do whatever people [require].

“I have listened to your words. And I have listened to the words from Gar Monastery. Having

done so, I will consider all of them. Yes, we will consider it and do what we can. We will think about it

and make a decision. We need to listen to the opinions of everyone – to listen to everyone’s words.

“Gar Monastery is not one or two people. There are so many people in Tibet – many tens of

thousands … Anyway, I will think about [what to do]. It will be discussed and decided.

“Generally, of principal importance is karma. Whenever the duration of life is complete, it must

fragment. It is going to fall apart if I stay in the West or if I stay at Gar Monastery. When the time is up,

then [it is done].”

[After Sasha’s words] “Yes, yes, yes. Yes, that is really so.

“All you students maintain your good connections with one another. Look after the Dharma

centers well. If you do that, I will be glad. When the students fight amongst one another, it brings harm

to the Dharma. Then I feel disappointed. If I am happy, my lifespan will be lengthened. Most important

is that you all keep my words in mind and act accordingly. You students should do well by the Dharma

centers; maintain the centers well.

“Then, whenever in the future, I will die. Of course I will die in the future! Even so, you must

maintain the centers well. Whenever, wherever – my mind is in the centers. Wherever there is a center,

my mind is there. Whichever student engages in practice, my mind is there.

“…Keep turning the prayer wheels.

“…This is not the Gargön Committee alone. Many tens of thousands of people are extremely

fond of me. All those people are wondering whether or not I will return. If I die without going there, I

fear they will be forlorn.

“…I will take care [of you/of the situation].

“You must keep my mind. You must maintain love and affection. You must hold onto my words.

Yesterday Khenpo Nyima Gyaltsen said it, didn’t he? There are outer, inner and secret [aspects] of the

longevity rituals. Did he say that?

“If you hold onto these words, then it doesn’t matter which guru for whom you perform

longevity rituals – all gurus as a whole are the same. All spiritual friends as a whole are the same. All the

gurus and preceptors of this world are the same – because they explain bodhicitta.

“If you maintain the centers well, then I will stay long. You students, do not fight amongst one

another. This mala string is [like] the love and affection of the students one for another. [If you argue,]

you’ll become scattered like [the beads of a broken] mala, OK?

“Now gather well together in the assembly. Engage practice well. Do the Yamantaka trainings

well. All you Yamantaka trainees, ritual masters and cantors, in the future your minds will truly become

the same as mine. Although our bodies are separate, our minds are one and the same.”

These words were spoken by Garchen Triptrul Rinpoche at DGI, Munich on 9 October, 2016 and translated by the disciple Ari-ma from an audio recording




