台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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留言板上法友寫給尊貴的 恩師噶千仁波切的感恩話語和圖畫。


On the bulletin board especially designed for people to post a note of their greetings and gratitude to H. E Garchen Rinpoche, students from all over the world express their love toward our great master:

(In Tibetan)

May Rinpoche live long for hundreds and thousands of kalpas,

Whatever Rinpoche wishes to do, may it be fulfilled spontaneously.

(In Chinese)

Before, I had no idea what it meant by a true manifestation of compassion.

Until I met you, my guru Garchen Rinpoche, I finally realized the meaning of a heart of limitless and unconditioned compassion.

May you live long, enjoy good health, constantly turn the wheel of Dharma, and accomplish all the enlightened activities according to your wishes.

Happy Birthday!

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