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【2019.03.04】「度母救怙我的故事」-尊貴的 噶千仁波切口述 How Tara Saved My Life Eight Times Narrated by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche


故事」-尊貴 波切口述
How Tara Saved My Life Eight Times Narrated by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche

祈請,而祂 也確實把從八次大難中解出來。」
尊貴 波切一生修持本尊白波切之風範猶如般,無量慈愛所有眾生。2017年,波切應弟子請求講述了他一生中與八次殊勝因緣:
「嗡阿吽。今天[弟子們]要拍攝一些關於故事。雖然這些故事並不怎麼 有趣,但卻具有正面意義。若向本尊祈請,本尊具有悲、智、力三功德,而圓 滿報身猶如彩虹。
你可能會想:『既然像彩虹,則什麼都沒有。』但並非如 此,本尊具有悲、智、力,因此相信本尊。
由於相信,祈請,而祂 也確實把從八次大難中解出來。每次陷入困境,本尊都信 心也隨之增加,因此要告訴大家:本尊存在。依於信念與信心,本尊即存 在。你對本尊清淨信與勝解信也會增加,因此在此與大家分享故事。」

(1)戰爭,1958 年
(2)飢荒,1960 年
(3)溺水,1963 年
(4)一氧化碳毒,1973 年
(5)第一次食物中毒,1979 年
(6)第二次食物中毒,1988 年
(7)車禍,2006 年
(8)第三次食物中毒,2013 年


“Each time I found myself in a difficult situation, the deity protected me.”

“Because of my supplications to Jetsun Tara, she has directly saved me from eight great predicaments.”

“If you have faith and trust, the deity will be there.”

~ H.E. Garchen Rinpoche

H.E. Garchen Rinpoche has been practicing White Tara his whole life. Like Tara, Rinpoche loves all sentient beings. In 2017, as requested by the disciples, Rinpoche narrated eight special connections that he had had with Tara.

“Om Ah Hung. Today some disciples would like to record a few stories about me. In general, my stories are not that interesting, though this one is quite meaningful, as it concerns the activity of the deity. We supplicate to the deity, who has the three qualities of omniscience, love, and power. The deity is the samboghakaya, which appears like a rainbow.

“You might think, ‘If it is like a rainbow, then it is nothing.’ But this is not true, because the deity possesses omniscience, love, and power. This is also why I trust in the deity, and because of my supplications to Jetsun Tara, she has directly saved me from eight great predicaments.

“Each time I found myself in a difficult situation, the deity protected me, and my trust in her increased. This is why I tell everyone, ‘The deity is there. If you have faith and trust, the deity will be there, and your clear and trusting faith in the deity will increase.’ This is why I am sharing my story.”


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(1) War 1958

(2) Starvation 1960

(3) Drowning 1963

(4) Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 1973

(5) Food Poisoning 1979

(6) Food Poisoning 1988

(7) Car Accident 2006

(8) Food Poisoning 2013

May all benefit.

Garchen Dharma Institute 







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