台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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首頁 / 噶千法教 / 噶千語錄 / 我執使人凍結,大愛方得安樂

當大愛之心的對象為諸佛時,稱作虔敬心;當它的對象為 一切有情眾生而無一例外時,稱作慈悲心。竹旺仁波切總 是舉著手說:「願一切有情眾生得到利益。」的確,沒有 比這個更偉大的願望了。

一個人是否自稱為佛教徒並不重要,佛法就是愛。當你看 見自己的愛如何感動他人時,給予他人快樂將成為你的快 樂來源。


如果你以自我為中心,你的心將會變得狹隘,有如冰塊一 般。但是當你放下自我,開始向他人散發愛,你將會注意 到自己的心開始擴展,變得開闊、寬廣,有如廣大的海洋 或天空一般。

當你生起了對有情眾生的愛時,我們便是一模一樣的。最 終,自己與他人只是個想法而已。當我們了知到自己與他 人的無二無別,便開始能體會慈悲心、菩提心的珍貴。愛 是唯一能獲得快樂的因,它的本質如虛空遍在。愛是心中 的陽光。

The mind of Great Love, when directed to the Buddhas is called devotion, when directed to all sentient beings without exception is called compassion. Drubwang Rinpoche always raised his hand and said, "May all sentient beings benefit", and truly there is no aspiration greater than this.

It doesn't matter whether one calls oneself a Buddhist or not a Buddhist. The Dharma is love. When you see how your love touches others, it will become your happiness to give your happiness away.

What is called 'blessings' is nothing more but love.

If you are self-centered, your mind becomes narrow, like a block of ice. But when you let go and send out love to others, you will notice how your mind expands. The mind becomes open and spacious, like a vast ocean or the sky.

When you give rise to love for sentient beings, then we are exactly the same. Ultimately, self and other are just thoughts. When we see that, we are not separate from others, we begin to fathom the preciousness of compassion, of bodhicitta.

Love is the only cause of happiness. Its nature is all-pervasive like space. Love is the sunlight of the mind.