台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute

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★ ★ 噶千仁波切昨日(10/6)於印度達蘭莎拉晉見 達賴喇嘛尊者,尊者傳授全場信眾菩提心戒


★ ★ 噶千仁波切昨日(10/6)於印度達蘭莎拉晉見 達賴喇嘛尊者,尊者傳授全場信眾菩提心戒

★ ★Garchen Rinpoche had an audience with H.H. Dalai Lama yesterday (October 6) in Daramsala, India. At the request of Rinpoche, Dalai Lama bestowed Boddhichitta Vow to 6000 disciples.












In 1993, H.E. Garchen Rinpoche travelled for the first time from Tibet to India and had an audience with H.H. the Dalai Lama. Yesterday, was the second time they met after 24 years. First, Garchen Rinpoche offered, with highest respect, his body, speech, and mind as a mandala to His Holiness, who encouraged Rinpoche to spread the teachings of the Buddha. Then, His Holiness offered Rinpoche a Shakyamuni Buddha statue.

Rinpoche offered a small booklet of the "Thirty-Seven Practices of a Boddhisattva" with illustrations and a liberation-by-sight bracelet with the White Tara mantra to His Holiness. Rinpoche said, "I offer this liberation-by-sight bracelet to you with prayers for your long life. Tara saved my own life eight times." When His Holiness heard this, he offered a beautiful statue of White Tara to Rinpoche.

Rinpoche's expression of devotion to His Holiness the Dalai Lama was heart-stirring. His Holiness said that he would bestow the Bodhisattva Vows during the White Tara empowerment, later that same morning. Then, His Holiness led Rinpoche to enter the assembly hall and asked him to sit on a throne. From October 3 to 6, His Holiness taught an "Introduction to the Middle Way" and the "Praise of Dependent Arising" at the request of a Taiwanese group of devotees. On the final day of the teachings, after the White Tara empowerment, His Holiness bestowed the Bodhisattva Vows and announced to the assembly that these vows were being given at the request of Garchen Rinpoche. After His Holiness explained the nature of the vows, these were bestowed to the disciples.

In 1993, when Rinpoche had his first audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, he requested that he bestow the Bodhisattva Vows, which His Holiness graciously agreed. Once again, Rinpoche requested the Bodhisattva Vows from His Holiness, and again, he graciously bestowed them, to thousands of disciples. It was a very special and auspicious day.

What makes this even more special is that Rinpoche had just completed his teaching program in Taiwan when he came to India, and it happened that right at that time, His Holiness was giving teachings to a group of Taiwanese disciples in Dharamsala. May all be auspicious.



